Summer Smiles: 3 Helpful Dental Care Tips

May 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — parkfamilydental @ 7:23 pm
Woman in blue striped shirt and straw hat smiling at the beach

May has arrived, bringing warmer weather and brighter, sunnier days. Summer is just around the corner, which means now is the perfect time to start planning your vacation. Whether you’re planning on traveling abroad or intend to relax at home, you’re probably eager to take a break from work to kick back and relax.

However, it’s easy to fall into some negative dental habits when your schedule changes or you’re away from home. For example, you might be tempted to indulge in certain foods or skip brushing and flossing your teeth now and then. This can lead to cavities and gum disease, which would put a real damper on your time off.

Keep reading to learn 3 tips for keeping your smile happy and healthy this season so you won’t have a dental dilemma!

Tip #1: Watch What You Eat

Nothing beats the heat on a sweltering day like a tall glass of cold lemonade or a freezing ice cream cone. However, these sweet treats are full of sugar, which attracts harmful bacteria. Eating too much can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

To keep your mouth in tip-top shape, why not fill your plate with more wholesome options instead? For example, dairy products like milk and yogurt contain plenty of calcium to help support strong teeth and bones, and citrus fruits have lots of vitamin C for healthy gums. You can blend them together and enjoy a fruit smoothie to keep cool while safeguarding your smile!

Tip #2: Pack the Essentials

If you’re heading out of town, it’s important to take the right tools with you so you can keep your teeth and gums clean. Even when you’re away from home, you should still brush and floss both morning and night. Thankfully, most stores and pharmacies carry travel-sized items that can easily fit in your suitcase or backpack. You can find all the necessary items like a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, so you’ll have everything you need to maintain your oral hygiene routine.

Tip #3: Visit Your Dentist, First

It’s important to have a dental checkup and professional cleaning every 6 months to keep your smile in top condition. If you’re planning a trip, seeing your dentist before you go can give you some well-deserved peace of mind. You’ll know that any areas of concern, like weakened enamel, have been repaired so that you’re less likely to have an emergency while you’re away. Plus, your hygienist will polish your teeth so that they sparkle in the many pictures you’re bound to take!

By taking proactive steps to care for your grin this summer, you can make the most of your vacation knowing that your teeth won’t suffer!

About the Author

Dr. Wesley Parks has more than 20 years of experience helping people enhance their lives by improving their oral health. He earned his dental doctorate from the University of Nebraska Medical Center and has since spent hundreds of hours of ongoing education to expand his skills. Now, he’s a member of the Academy of General Dentistry and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, so you can trust that your grin is in good hands. He utilizes state-of-the-art technology to offer everything from preventative care to more complex procedures to meet all your dental needs. If you’re planning a vacation and want a checkup, you can request an appointment on the website or by calling (402) 484-6042.

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